Do not run from emptiness to people, places or things. Allow the emptiness to be emptiness and all the loneliness it involves. This is deep purification. The Lord will come to change the emptiness to fullness, but there is an in-between waiting time in which pain exists. ..the longing to be united with the one you were created for. Great temptation to grab hold of something temporary instead of waiting for the eternal one to take up residence in our soul will be there.
Do not gravitate to the things of the world around you. Let your behavior begin to change, changing by your new mind. This will prove to be the way to discover the will of God and know what is good, what it is that God wants, what is the perfect thing to do.
Romans 12:2
Stay in His Grip, Stay in His love, Keep your gaze on Jesus,
Bob Deering
03 January 2011
This is so TRUE – TRUST in Him, LEAN on Jesus and the Word of God and RECEIVE Him as an all consuming fire.
You will see Him transform your desires to be more like His and grow in much grace and knowledge of His love for you. Allow Jesus to be your best friend, He alone is truly faithful and has your best interest in His heart forever and always. Keep openminded about letting God bless you however His plans work out, draw deeply on Jesus strength.
God will provide connections to the right people for encouragement and support for your life.
I have had this exact problem nearly all my life. I have been a drug and alcohol addict for over 10 years, and now I am finally realizing what I have done with my life at 27 years old. I am trying to not head down that road yet again. I feel so empty and in need of something to fill that void that I feel. I pray all the time that he will fill it with his love. I am still waiting. I lost so much of my life, I do not want to lose any more of the life that God gave me! I am so glad that i read To be empty is a good start! It makes me feel so much better that if I just wait for God he will do as he promised! God really is good! He has saved me from myself! 🙂
Oh this is sooo true and it’s so nice to hear that someone else understands this as part of our growth process. I’ve been there in that place of emptiness and pain way too many times due to neglecting personal time with the Lord and His word. That loneliness is so deep at those times it seems I won’t be able to survive. But the Lord is faithful to let me crash emotionally so I will get back in fellowship with Him before I crash my life or someone else’s. It’s then that I remember Jesus’ words, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Matthew 4:4 It’s then that the words of the Bible jump off the page because I am so starved for God’s life that’s in the Word that I finally give it it’s proper place in my mind and heart. When I’m hurting it’s always about NOT ENOUGH WORD. And also it’s about not enough intimate time with God. It’s not by my might or my power but by His spirit that I’m to live. Consistency is so important.