58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

Prophetic Ministry

The prophetic ministry is one of the five foundational ministries mentioned in Ephesians 4:11. The Word of God clearly states the basic purpose of the five foundational administrative ministries in Ephesians 4:12 – “For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.”

The primary role of the prophetic ministry at Voice Ministries is to build-up the body of Christ, and to help advance the Kingdom of God. Our desire is to allow the Spirit of Prophecy the freedom to actively influence every aspect of the ministry in accordance to the will of God. We believe the Prophetic Spirit is the creative, life giving, inspirational, nature of Christ released through prayer, worship, dance, art/writing, personal and congregational prophecy – and much more – with a special emphasis for ministry.

For more info or questions, email [email protected].

Personal Prophetic Ministry
We do both electronic and in-person prophetic ministry.

Any gift you are willing to give will help us with technology upgrades.

“It is our heart to bless with the gifts that the Lord gives.” 

Electronic Prophetic Ministry Testimonies

We have such an amazing Prophetic Team at Voice. We have team members spanning all decades — from their 20s to their 70s. We have given hundreds of words all over the US as our electronic prophetic ministry continues to flourish and grow.


The prophetic words were awesome once again! During Robert’s word, he mentioned he strongly felt Psalm 1 for me. This Psalm has enormous significance to me and I felt the presence of the Lord so strongly, even now as I recall it. My wife and I have been working on writing an album based on the Psalms, for the last 10 years. It was birthed from a difficult season, and how we can remember His words for strength when the enemy surrounds you. God has been reminding us that He wants us to complete it because it was not just a good idea, but something He has ordained. Robert’s word was one of many confirmations! Last year I received a word from Pastor Stan and he absolutely nailed it too. Thank you communicating the voice of the Lord through your ministry! 
— Bjorn B. / Spring Hill, TN

Thank you so much for the prophecy and encouragement! I was blessed by the word Teresa gave me, and I enjoyed the Passion Translation version of the scriptures. Russ was very accurate about my family and the need for the Lord, and about my being at a place that feels like an impasse and needing the Lord to make a way. Thank you for the scriptures, encouragement, and prayer. I will pray into this and seek the Lord in stewarding and applying it. Bless you abundantly and multiplied back to each one of you! A friend in Reno, NV recommended you all, as we both value houses of prayer and the gift of prophecy. 
— Lisa C. / Redding, CA

Thank you John for the encouraging words, and that’s a great image God showed you. The second word confirmed some things for me and God gave me greater perspective through it. God bless!
— Dave M. / Goshen, IN

Thank you very much for both of the prophetic words from the Lord. God bless you abundantly!
— Caroline M. / Osceola, IN

Thank you! Such beautiful words!
— Paula H. / Nashville, TN

Thank you so much! Gods timing is so perfect. Today is my birthday and I had asked Him for a surprise today and I was so blessed and so encouraged by the words. They brought tears and much comfort. Thank you all for your faithfulness. I love your ministry, and feel the presence of the Lord whenever I am able to come. The confirmation of much He has been walking me through, was just what I needed. Thank you and bless you!
— Betty M. / Fort Wayne, IN

Stan Dudka
Director of Voice Prophetic Ministry