58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

New to Voice?

Welcome to Voice Ministries! We are glad you stopped by to check out our Facebook page. To start things off, we would love to share just a bit about Voice – who we are and what we do.

Voice began in the mid 90s as a “meeting place” for those who were burnt out, tired, messed up and needed something different and refreshing. What people found was a vibrant bunch of passionate worshippers and messages of hope and healing and encouragement. It was, as many would come to say, “a cool drink of water in a dry land.” As our journey unfolded, we moved to a place in the woods – surrounded by acres of beautiful fields and trees. This is where the Lord gave the leadership of the ministry a vision to establish a place that people could come and pray and worship at any time of the day or night. In 2003, we began the International House of Prayer-Michiana.

During this time, many facets of Voice Ministries were growing. We began a small food outreach program to those in need. Rooms were set aside for those who needed counsel and healing. We had a horse ranch for a few years with over 20 horses. The Meeting Place was going strong every Tuesday, and the House of Prayer was being established. A church family started growing, and we started Voice Fellowship, which was later renamed to Voice17. This is our community, our family, and Voice17 desires to follow Jesus’ words in John 17, where he says, “Father… make them one as You and I are one…”

So there we were, out at the Camp, our place in the woods. But we were feeling that the Lord was again calling us back into the community. We knew that this ministry needed to be at the heart of Michiana. In 2008, through an amazing set of circumstances, the Lord led us to a large shopping plaza in Elkhart, on one of the busiest roads, SR19. The plaza had just been remodeled into this phenomenal church facility, and in July, we found ourselves in awe and humble thanksgiving that God allowed us to come to this facility.

For five years we stayed at The Grand Horizon Center and we were able to do so much there – and all under one roof! In early 2013, the owners of the Grand Horizon Center had plans to create a Christian concert and conference venue / community center, so in the summer of 2013, we headed to the Concord Mall in Elkhart/Goshen. It was completely unique and different feel for us, being in the mix of mall life. We enjoyed having people stop in the midst of their shopping to pause and listen to the prayer room worship, or come and join in.

In mid 2017, we moved IHOP-M back to the Camp as we began to remodel it, adding new restrooms, and preparations for the rebuilding of the House of Prayer. We began construction of the new room after demolition of the old swimming pool room in March of 2019. In July of 2019, we held our first Voice Fellowship service in the newly remodeled space.

2020-2022 were challenging times with the pandemic, but since we have such amazing grounds, we met outside — and people have loved being outside under the trees experiencing the beauty of creation while worshipping together. After things got back to “normal” we were able to resume services indoors and quickly began renovation of the former three stall garage area (which was the first prayer room) to become our new entrance and lobby, welcome center and Children’s Equipping classrooms. Many came together to help tear down the old and build back the new. We are so grateful for the kingdom businesses who provided materials, their services, and finances for this project. We are grateful to each of you who also sowed into the project as well! We are nearly complete — just a few more finishing details to do, but the children are enjoying the space, and the new entry and lobby is amazing! 

We began construction of a new front porch and entry in the fall of 2023 as well as offices and a podcast studio on the second floor. We are excited to see how this vital tool of ministry will be able to help us spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus, and to bring hope, encouragement, and healing to those who hear. 

On Sundays, Voice Fellowship meets at the Camp for a morning service and many come to be a part of this time of worship and word. During the Sunday service, our children meet and worship together as well, and are taught Biblical principles and concepts.

In 2024 we are working on revitalizing the House of Prayer, which is now called First Love House of Prayer, and is located at The Camp. We have live worship teams and many opportunities to come and pray, meditate, or sing along with the team. There are times when it is quiet and reflective, and other times that are intense and driven. Our desire is to be a place that fuels your spirit. Thursday afternoon is a time for intercession with our Watchmen prayer team, and all are welcome to join that as well.  

Treasure Hunting is an outreach group that gathers at The Camp on the fourth Saturday of each month to go out into the community and give encouraging words and pray for people.

Acts2Groups (home groups) has moved to a semester model and it is exciting to see relational growth and community being built in those small groups. There is continued growth and interest in these groups and we believe that they will grow to be a vital and core part of this ministry.

Restoration Ministries, our inner healing ministry, uses the Transformation Prayer Ministry model taught by Dr Ed Smith. For an appointment with one of our trained facilitators, email us at [email protected].

Partnering with a local food ministry, Gymtown Food Pantry, we began a food outreach to the Osceola area and provide food for 10 families each month. We are very blessed and excited about the privilege to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. 

The Prayer Cord is our intercession by email ministry. When you send an email prayer request, it goes to 46 intercessors from 4 states. A cord of 3 is not easily broken. We have a cord of 46. This group is intentional about prayer and interceding for your needs. They regularly ask for updates.

There’s so much that goes on here in a week, and really, the best way to understand it is to experience it. We are not a typical ministry. We don’t care about a name or numbers, we just know that God has put us here, in the middle of Michiana, to be a VOICE. A Voice of hope. A Voice of healing. A Voice of worship. A Voice that shouts the message that all of this is about Jesus, and that Jesus is coming back!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will respond back quickly and, hopefully, thoroughly!

We encourage you to come out and see what Voice is all about. We would love to meet you!