58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

First Love House of Prayer

First Love is a House of Prayer that exists to…

Minister to His Heart 

We believe that Jesus’ greatest desire is our voluntary love. Above all else, our highest call is to love Him with First Love — this is our greatest reward, joy, and pleasure. “But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” — Luke 10:41-42

Partner with His Plan 

Jesus, our great intercessor, invites us to make intercession for both the church and the world. When our hearts are aligned with His [because He is our first love] we discover His unmet desires; thus we can pray and partner with His prayers rightly. We believe that we have the opportunity, honor, and privilege to partner with Jesus through prayer and see His plans and purposes fulfilled in the earth according to His word. The Lord is clear on praying for certain things, and promises that our prayers through faith will be answered. 

Host His Presence

We hope and pray that through continued hunger for more of God, humility before Him and others, and purity of heart that this House of Prayer will be a place that always hosts His manifest presence, glory, and power. Fulfilling the Lord’s desire to find a resting place to dwell with His people corporately, which when this happens, those in need of healing receive it, the captives are set free, and His bride grows in her love for Him. 

When are the teams?

Central to Voice Ministries, the House of Prayer is a place for people to come and seek the Lord and soak in His presence. Check out the calendar for the latest schedule of worship and prayer teams. During the time we don’t have a team on stage, we stream various worship videos and live streams from other houses of prayer and ministries.

Where are we located?

First Love House of Prayer is located at Voice Ministries / The Camp — 58247 Crossview Lane, Osceola, IN 46561.

When are we open?

You are always welcome to come in and study, read, pray, receive prayer, even work on your laptop. We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8am-8pm and Tuesday, Friday from 8am – 9pm. Currently closed on Saturdays.

How can I connect, support, and be a part of what God is doing at First Love House of Prayer?  

  • Becoming a musician, singer, worship leader, prayer leader, sound tech, prophetic artist or writer in the House of Prayer — committing to be a part of a current team in the House of Prayer, starting one, or doing a one hour devotional. 
  • Becoming a watchmen intercessor — A watchman sets aside time for a much as an hour or more to come in and specifically minister to God through prayer, interceding for His purposes and plans to be fulfilled.
  • Becoming an overseer — An overseer is one who is committed to different times in the House of prayer to not only oversee the room in making sure that both the Lord and others in the room are honored, but equipped to be available to pray with anyone who is need of prayer.
  • Through finances — The House of Prayer relies on the faithful gifts of people who desire to sow into the work of this valuable ministry. You can donate online here.
  • Through prayer — by just giving us your email we can send you all prayer requests and updates that will come so you can partner with us in prayer to see God’s will done and purposes fulfilled through IHOP-Michiana. 
  • Through connecting with us on social media and email – You can find us on Facebook and we send out periodic emails that will let you know what is going on.

First Love House of Prayer Leadership

Robert Deering
Steward of First Love
House of Prayer

Christie Moore
Steward of
Musicians and Singers

Stan Dudka
Steward of
Watchmen Intercessors

Connection Form