In 1979, God gave a vision to a 24-year old youth minister named Bob Deering. In that vision, God said that he would own restaurants that would help support a last days ministry called the Meeting Place. There were many other facets of the vision that Bob saw, but did not comprehend.
On November 11, 1991, Bob and his wife, Deanna, opened Alley Oops Diner. At the same time, Voice Ministries was founded. In its beginnings, the purpose was to help feed the poor. But in 1996, The Meeting Place began. God had impressed upon Bob’s heart a burning passion for unity in the body of Christ. And since 1996, proclaiming the vital, urgent message of love, forgiveness, healing, and unity between denominations has been going forth in the Michiana area.
Deanna Deering received her undergraduate degree from Notre Dame University and her Master’s of Ministry at Bethel College. In May of 2003, Deanna authored The Masterpiece of the Wilderness,a book of prophetic and devotional writings. She writes: Matthew 11:12 says that “from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force.” In John 10:10, Jesus says “I come that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” When He says this, He is speaking about our life here on earth, and this is the life that are seeking to discover as a present reality. How has the thief stolen from us? When we uncover the deception within our mental and emotional framework, we can receive the truth from Jesus and walk in greater freedom. “And you will know the truth and the truth will make youu free.” (John 8:32) As our mind becomes renewed by this truth, we can then obey His command to deny ourself and take up our cross daily.
Our desire is to see one another walking in the fullness of life that Jesus truly brings to us through His cross. We desire to see the body of Christ rise above its level of passivity and walk in the great and glorious calling that God offers to us here on earth (Ephesians 1:17-20). This will come through renewal of the mind and entering into the crucified life. We know that this is achieved degree by degree, yet we continually must press into the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14). We seek whole-hearted surrender as a lifestyle and believe that God desires to release great waves of love onto His end-time church (Eph. 3:16-21).
As Voice Ministries progresses on its journey, the original vision is becoming reality. The reality is a 24-hour House of Prayer – with continual intercession and worship, the Healing Rooms – with physical healings, a ministry – for mind renewal and inner healing, the Watchmen on the Wall, the Meeting Place / Transformation Tuesdays, and Voice being a true end-time ministry mission base. Bob and Deanna’s heart is to see the kingdom of God come forth in an end-time victorious church.
Bob and Deanna have two sons and two grandchildren. A verse that has greatly impacted Bob’s life is John 8:32,36 – “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free … So if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed!” (See also Isaiah 61:1, Jeremiah 3:15, Matthew 6:33.)
Bob & Deanna Deering, Founders / Senior Leaders
In 1979, God gave a vision to a 24-year old youth minister named Bob Deering. In that vision, God said that he would own restaurants that would help support a last days ministry called the Meeting Place. There were many other facets of the vision that Bob saw, but did not comprehend.
On November 11, 1991, Bob and his wife, Deanna, opened Alley Oops Diner. At the same time, Voice Ministries was founded. In its beginnings, the purpose was to help feed the poor. But in 1996, The Meeting Place began. God had impressed upon Bob’s heart a burning passion for unity in the body of Christ. And since 1996, proclaiming the vital, urgent message of love, forgiveness, healing, and unity between denominations has been going forth in the Michiana area.
Deanna Deering received her undergraduate degree from Notre Dame University and her Master’s of Ministry at Bethel College. In May of 2003, Deanna authored The Masterpiece of the Wilderness, a book of prophetic and devotional writings. She writes: Matthew 11:12 says that “from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force.” In John 10:10, Jesus says “I come that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” When He says this, He is speaking about our life here on earth, and this is the life that are seeking to discover as a present reality. How has the thief stolen from us? When we uncover the deception within our mental and emotional framework, we can receive the truth from Jesus and walk in greater freedom. “And you will know the truth and the truth will make youu free.” (John 8:32) As our mind becomes renewed by this truth, we can then obey His command to deny ourself and take up our cross daily.
Our desire is to see one another walking in the fullness of life that Jesus truly brings to us through His cross. We desire to see the body of Christ rise above its level of passivity and walk in the great and glorious calling that God offers to us here on earth (Ephesians 1:17-20). This will come through renewal of the mind and entering into the crucified life. We know that this is achieved degree by degree, yet we continually must press into the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14). We seek whole-hearted surrender as a lifestyle and believe that God desires to release great waves of love onto His end-time church (Eph. 3:16-21).
As Voice Ministries progresses on its journey, the original vision is becoming reality. The reality is a 24-hour House of Prayer – with continual intercession and worship, the Healing Rooms – with physical healings, a ministry – for mind renewal and inner healing, the Watchmen on the Wall, the Meeting Place / Transformation Tuesdays, and Voice being a true end-time ministry mission base. Bob and Deanna’s heart is to see the kingdom of God come forth in an end-time victorious church.
Bob and Deanna have two sons and two grandchildren. A verse that has greatly impacted Bob’s life is John 8:32,36 – “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free … So if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed!” (See also Isaiah 61:1, Jeremiah 3:15, Matthew 6:33.)