58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

Friday at the House of Prayer


Friday at the House of Prayer was a great time of praise and worship. Mike Johnson led a team and it was really fun! Check out this track that was recorded live. It's about 40 minutes long.

Mike Johnson is on the keys and vocals, Larry Reese on percussion and vocals, Izzy Exley on vocals, Greg Ferris on guitar, Bob Deering as Prayer Leader and Bryon Stamets also praying.

1 Comments on “Friday at the House of Prayer

  1. Truly amazing. thankyou so much for giving me the opportunity to worship the king right here in my office at work during my lunch. will this be here forever? i tried to save it and didn’t know how. Is it possible for voice to burn this on a cd for me? I attend your service every sunday and would love to have some awesome worship time at my disposel when ever I want to spend time with him. Thanks to all who took the time to worship him and share it with others. You all are truly blessed with the hand of the Lord on you. Thanks again Stacet b.