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Standing Firm

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil … that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:11, 13).

Sometimes, all we can do is stand our ground. But sometimes, that is enough, because in the process of holding firm against Satan’s attack, we are actually being prepared for future battle, as well as being strengthened in dependence upon God.

We may panic when we sense an attack of Satan, and try to “get busy” to get out of it, when actually we need to “get still” and find our strength in God. Psalm 91:4 says that God’s faithful promises are our armor and our protection. We must cover ourselves with Gods’ promises. Our minds, emotions, and our bodies must be bathed with the words of assurance regarding the faithfulness of God, and this shall be our armor.

God’s faithfulness alone can enable us to firmly withstand assaults from our greatest enemies in the physical realm. Those assaults only serve to test our armor and make sure it is of the highest standard.

When God removes His protective hedge from us, it is a challenge to see whether our armor is intact. Are there any holes in it? Have we been adding new arsenals to our sword? Is our shield of faith expansive enough to cover the type of permission that God gave Satan regarding His servant Job?

Paul uses the words “stand firm” four times in this passage, perhaps to depict the gravity of the situation. It is one thing to stand firm when you are full of zeal, energy, and enthusiasm. It is another thing to stand firm when your energies are taxed, your external world is caving in, or you are being called upon to “bear up under” trials of great intensity.

It is then that “standing firm” becomes much more than defending oneself against the enemy. It is causing your roots to plummet deep down into the soil of God’s love and faithfulness.

It seems we only dig down when we are hemmed in on all sides and have nowhere to escape. It is then that God’s soldiers are being trained in the most powerful way yet. On the outside, it may appear that nothing is being accomplished, but on the inside, He is equipping them for battle of the most aggressive kind.

JOURNAL ENTRY: It is when all the props are pulled out that we realize what our life is based upon. If our life is based upon our external identity we will be found empty. If it is based upon the person of Jesus Christ, we will be unmoved even if the landscape of our lives is turned upside down. There is no doubt that every child of God can and must grow stronger in the Lord. You and Him. Just you and Him. There cannot be enough emphasis upon this ultimate relationship of friendship and love!  

©2005 Masterpiece of the Wilderness, Deanna Deering

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