So I get a call from Damascene and he said a small branch was blocking the road. Uhhhhh… #lostintranslation #stihl #stihlpower #voiceministriescamp #voiceministries
So I get a call from Damascene and he said a small branch was blocking the road. Uhhhhh… #lostintranslation #stihl #stihlpower #voiceministriescamp #voiceministries, ,
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Posted on July 27, 2016 by admin
So I get a call from Damascene and he said a small branch was blocking the road. Uhhhhh… #lostintranslation #stihl #stihlpower #voiceministriescamp #voiceministries
So I get a call from Damascene and he said a small branch was blocking the road. Uhhhhh… #lostintranslation #stihl #stihlpower #voiceministriescamp #voiceministries, ,
Category: Encouragement