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Short Thoughts

All manner of striving must cease, My child. Don’t you see that there is no one who can teach you this? All over the world, My elect are hearing that they must learn to abide and enter My rest.

But do not be fooled by the counterfeit. What many believers call “resting in the Lord” is actually a state of passivity. The rest I am calling you to is a state in which man learns to rest from his own efforts, his own strength, his own desires and ideas. In this state, he becomes much more alive to My Spirit within. My Spirit, then, will lead him to action, not activity. This position of rest produces Spirit-inspired action. It is far different than either activity or passivity. It is the rest wherewith I have called you.

There is a major difference between a life that knows it is already approved and a life that is seeking approval. The one experiences peace; the other, unrest. It takes time for Me to move you from one state to the next, much time spent in My presence, receiving My love, which is reaching out to renew your mind and heal your soul. How few of My children know they are approved by Me!

“Too many of my people are looking outward, and the answer is within. I must turn their eyes within — for healing, for crucifixion, for inner transformation. Then their eyes can truly see outward —for the gaze is pure.

There is going to be a people who have no ties to the world, who have given up everything and endured the hottest fires. They are ready to go anywhere, to say anything, to be my hands and feet. They will soar like eagles because they truly have left this world, and they will glow with my love because they have submitted to my purification and no longer is their flesh a veil over my presence within them.

©2005 Masterpiece of the Wilderness, Deanna Deering

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