Those who are overcomers have known despair. They have known the Dark Night of the Soul. Don’t you see that, if it was easy to become an overcomer, the name would lose its entire meaning? Overcoming has nothing to do with feelings. It has nothing to do with sight. It has everything to do with the invisible Savior who lives within. He may be invisible. He may be intangible. But His promises are not. And He promises to reward all who overcome.
If you desire to be an overcomer, then watch your circumstances. Watch your “life” as you see it begin to unravel. Watch tremendous difficulties and warfare of intense nature come your way. Watch the temptation to “give up” press itself heavily upon your soul. Know that God’s finest have been where you are. Just because you are in a struggle for your very life, you are not losing any ground. It all depends upon your view of your self. In your self, you are nothing. But inside of your feeble frame lies the power of a resurrection Savior. This is where you must place your trust. This is where your hope — and your power to endure — reside.
Today, if you are surrounded by difficulties that threaten to devour your very life, plant your entire self upon this Truth. Know that today in eternity your crown is being carved.
“Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10). “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” (Revelation 3:11)
Further References: Romans 8:11; 2 Corinthians 4:10-12; Hebrews 6:19
©2007 Deanna Deering, Masterpiece of the Wilderness
Hi Deanna…..I live here in KC & am part of IHOP, that’s how I first found your book. Your book has come to my mind many, many times since I read it 5 yrs ago. It’s one of those books I tell everyone they’ve “got to read.” I told my husband yrs ago when I read it, “One day I’m going to meet this woman Deanna who wrote this book. I love her heart & I feel like I know her.” Here I am today reading it again & finding yet more hope & encouragement for my heart!
Love Paula
Hi Deanna…..when i visit IHOP-KC few years ago, I found your book in thier book store. it is a great book with deep insight.
it might be that only people had wilderness experience, might know what you talk about in the book.
is this right ? have been in the wilderness for a long time, do not try to find way out now, it look like that
God turn the path in the wilderness into the way to Zion. and the final destination of our journey is Zion not
the promise land – Cannan . is this right ?
Blessing !
love judy