Embrace all happenings with love. Resist any urge to blame people, places, or things. All events happen according to My hand. I bring all things to work for the good of My beloved children. In all events, I am teaching you many things. My true children will earnestly seek to learn all that they can from Me. They seek and trust.
You are the victim only if you refuse to enter into fellowship with Me.
You can even learn through events that are caused by the sin or disobedience of another person. You may seem to be the victim, but this is not the truth. I was the Lamb Who was slain. All thought I was done —including My primary foe. But, to the contrary, My Father’s love was brought to a culmination in the cross. View your life in this manner: you are the victim only if you refuse to enter into fellowship with Me.
©2005 Masterpiece of the Wilderness, Deanna Deering
This may be the hardest part, but it IS truly the most rewarding. It is in those times when you decide to no longer be the victim but to actually turn and forgive and begin to pray for those who hurt you is when you begin to feel free and close to God.