58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

Camp cleaning powered by Caleb. (Sorry ladies, he’s got a gal) :-) We busted it out today – cleaned the whole building, all the equipment and mowers, the bridge and both trailers. #feelingproductive #voiceministries #voiceministriescamp

Camp cleaning powered by Caleb. (Sorry ladies, he’s got a gal) 🙂 We busted it out today – cleaned the whole building, all the equipment and mowers, the bridge and both trailers. #feelingproductive #voiceministries #voiceministriescamp, Camp cleaning powered by Caleb. (Sorry ladies, he's got a gal) :-) We busted it out today - cleaned the whole building, all the equipment and mowers, the bridge and both trailers. #feelingproductive #voiceministries #voiceministriescamp,