There must be in you a strength of will, a strength of determination, and a strength of purpose. This is a strength that far outweighs anything you have ever met in a person before. Many of My people are weak in their wills, and they cling to this weakness as a sign that I will be their strength (2 Corinthians 12:9). But Paul is not writing about a weakness of will. His weakness was the thorn in his flesh I allowed, to drive him to utter dependence upon Me. But in his will, in his purpose, in his determination, Paul was one of My strongest.
I cannot work My fullest purpose in one who has a weak will. Your will must be iron-clad, for you will face much opposition from without. How does your will become strong as iron unless it is forged within circumstances that will melt and consume anything that is less than iron? Your will must be trained to always side with Me. Your will must always be stronger than your emotions.
Your will must seek to be perfectly aligned with My Father’s will. And where did My Father’s will take Me? Through rejection, scorn, humiliation, torture, and death. I am the Lamb who teaches you meekness, but I am also the Lion who trains your will to be fierce in its intensity.
Why did I say, “Wide is the door through which many will travel?” Because not many make it through the narrow door, for they cannot stand up under the pressure. They don’t realize that I allow great opposition to rip away their fleshly nature. Great pressure comes against My saints, not so they will be destroyed, but so they will be purified.
Further References: Matthew 6:10, 26:39; John 6:38, 10:27
©2005 Masterpiece of the Wilderness, Deanna Deering
An Iron-Clad Will
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Posted on November 3, 2011 by admin
There must be in you a strength of will, a strength of determination, and a strength of purpose. This is a strength that far outweighs anything you have ever met in a person before. Many of My people are weak in their wills, and they cling to this weakness as a sign that I will be their strength (2 Corinthians 12:9). But Paul is not writing about a weakness of will. His weakness was the thorn in his flesh I allowed, to drive him to utter dependence upon Me. But in his will, in his purpose, in his determination, Paul was one of My strongest.
I cannot work My fullest purpose in one who has a weak will. Your will must be iron-clad, for you will face much opposition from without. How does your will become strong as iron unless it is forged within circumstances that will melt and consume anything that is less than iron? Your will must be trained to always side with Me. Your will must always be stronger than your emotions.
Your will must seek to be perfectly aligned with My Father’s will. And where did My Father’s will take Me? Through rejection, scorn, humiliation, torture, and death. I am the Lamb who teaches you meekness, but I am also the Lion who trains your will to be fierce in its intensity.
Why did I say, “Wide is the door through which many will travel?” Because not many make it through the narrow door, for they cannot stand up under the pressure. They don’t realize that I allow great opposition to rip away their fleshly nature. Great pressure comes against My saints, not so they will be destroyed, but so they will be purified.
Further References: Matthew 6:10, 26:39; John 6:38, 10:27
©2005 Masterpiece of the Wilderness, Deanna Deering
Category: Deanna's Words, Encouragement