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As I spoke yesterday in my message to the church, I wanted us to really consider this passion week. I believe that this week is not only a look into the heart of the Father but also a look into both the human and divine side of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus spoke SEVEN different statements while on the cross.

His greatest desire was to bring love, forgiveness and healing to all people. Great compassion and forgiveness were both found in his first statement as the soldiers began to crucify him on the cross. He said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. (Statement 1)

Jesus cried out for mercy for those that were crucifying him!

He was living out what he had taught in the Sermon on the Mount — that we should forgive and love our enemies; pray for those who use and persecute us.

In this statement, Jesus is showing us how we should extend forgiveness and mercy, even when it is not merited, asked for, or acknowledged.


Jesus was bruised, whipped, and bleeding on a cross. The pain had to be excruciating and unbearable! The statements he made need to be considered greatly and acknowledged as epic moments of words spoken for all of us to grasp.

Jesus hung on the cross between two thieves. He was taunted by one saying, “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us.” The other man hanging on the cross rebuked him and said, “We are both getting what we deserve!” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus second statement is filled again with mercy, forgiveness and love. He said to the man, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

Can you imagine the moment when they beheld each other in paradise after they had died? Jesus, once again, is proclaiming liberty to the captives and forgiveness to all mankind. Jesus ends His earthly life by giving freedom to one who is physically bound on a cross and spiritually bound by sin.

What a Savior! What a King!


“Dear woman, here’s your son and [John], here is your mother.”

This statement really hits home personally with me being a young man who cared and loved his mother so deeply and saw her go through much suffering.

In this statement, Jesus saw His mother, Mary, at the cross and committed her care into the hands of His beloved, John the disciple. John took Jesus’s mother into his own home.

Here we see Jesus on the cross, and once again, He is displaying His compassion for His mother, that she would be cared for after his death. In his greatest agony, Jesus focuses on the needs of his mother.

Jesus was definitely honoring his mother with the command that He made for us all to honor our fathers and mothers.

Also, remember the first miracle that Jesus performed was at the request of his mother — turning the water into wine. Again, our beloved Jesus attends to his mother’s needs in his greatest moment of need.

May we all be inspired to look outward — always to care for others even when we are suffering.

— Pastor Bob Deering