58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

Building HOP

Building the House of Prayer in Michiana

I was once asked, “Is Jesus worthy to be praised day and night in Michiana?” When I said, “Yes,” I realized, at that time, it wasn’t really happening. In Matthew 21:13, Jesus said very clearly that His house would be called a House of Prayer — and this is what we mean by establishing day and night prayer and worship in Michiana. Together, the body of Christ will find freedom and unity in a place of prayer and in His presence. Thus, on our watch and in our region, we must band together to walk in this great truth. Indeed, truth is our greatest strength. By walking in the daytoday reality of truth, we can face whatever harsh circumstances come our way. I believe that we’re living in the time of the greatest battle of all mankind — the battle over who holds your heart; the battle over love. Love is a refuge, and at IHOPMichiana, we will choose to dwell in that place. We are praying that the body of Christ in Michiana will be blessed and that they will arise into the fullness of their calling as the beautiful bride of Christ.

For us to even be at such a place for this to happen, we must recognize and honor those who have contributed to this great cause. These are sacred and precious men and women who have been teachers, worshippers, warriors in prayer, and lovers of the truth. They have sown and labored for this House of Prayer and many others all over the Earth. The late prophet Bob Jones spoke a prophetic promise over IHOP-Michiana and the Camp property to be not only a place of healing, but also a place of His presence. This prophetic promise has also been confirmed by Jason Upton, Don Potter, and many other brothers and sisters who have visited throughout IHOP-Michiana’s 15year history.

Thank you for taking time to read a little about our journey. I would like to take a moment to tell you why and how you can support us in our vision and the plan to return to the Camp. First and foremost, we desire to establish our mission base by moving IHOP-Michiana back to the place where it began in 2002. The vision is that, in time, this will be a place for all to come and encounter the presence of God, 24/7 — day and night! This will be a place for the body of Christ to meditate, study, and pray — for the coming harvest and revival before the return of Jesus spoken of throughout scripture. Through worship, decrees, and prayer, we will continually proclaim the worthiness and supremacy of Jesus the King of Glory. IHOP-Michiana will also continue to be a base of equipping and training through teaching and seminars that prepare the body of Christ for the triumphal return of Jesus.

So I’m asking you if you would partner with us both in your daily prayers and by giving financially to see the IHOP-Michiana established at the Camp for the people of God in Michiana and beyond!

Thank you for partnering with us financially. Thank you for praying and standing with us in intercession. Thank you for journeying with us as together we build a House of Prayer in Michiana! “For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” [Isaiah 56:7]

In His grip — Bob Deering, Founder / Director

Visit our website at thecamp.voiceministries.com or donate on our gofundme page at gofundme.com/ihopmichiana.