58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

Revelation Conf


The book of Revelation is the “good news” of Jesus’ victory over all the enemies of God when He returns to establish His Father’s Kingdom over all the nations of the earth forever! Therefore, Revelation is when Jesus physically enforces the spiritual victory that He legally obtained at the cross.

The primary purpose of the book is to unveil the unsearchable riches of Christ to transform the Church into a fully mature Bride, who has been made comparable to Jesus, as His eternal companion.  Revelation also gives more insight and specific information into the brilliance of God’s master plan of events in the end times than any other book in the bible to prepare the Church to transition the earth into the Millennium in mature partnership with Jesus.

In this conference, the glory of Jesus’ person and plans are unveiled so that you are strengthened, transformed and can be confidently prepared to prevail through the unique dynamics and unprecedented events of the end times in great victory!

Conference Schedule

Friday — 7 PM Session 1: Revelation of Jesus Christ

Saturday — 9 AM Session 2: Roadmap of Revelation

Saturday — Noon: Lunch (There are nearby restaurants or the Grove food court in the mall).

Saturday — 2 PM Session 3: Evaluation of the Seven Churches

Saturday — 7 PM Session 4: Restoration of All Things

Sunday — 10:30 AM Session 5: Convergence of Heaven and Earth


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