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Word Given by Penny Moore

Word Given by Penny Moore
Voice Fellowship
Sunday, October 26, 2014

I really sense by the Spirit of the Lord saying that, “As you behold My glory, you will be transformed into My image. And as you are being transformed into My image I will anoint you and appoint you for your destiny and your identity in these last days. For surely you will rise up as a mighty army,” says the Lord, “and you will do great exploits in My Name because you will be carriers of My Glory. And I will find you in the presence of My Glory. You will be equipped and you will be anointed and appointed for this hour,” says the Lord. “For I have chosen you,” says the Lord. “You are My chosen ones, you are My specially picked out ones for this hour. You are my remnants. You are my Gideon’s army,” says the Lord. “Don’t despise small beginnings. You may be small, but you are mighty in Me,” says the Lord. “For I have chosen you for this hour, for this moment, for this time, to do great exploits in My Name and carry My Glory. You are world changers. You are glory carriers. And as you behold Me, I will transform you into My image and you will do great exploits in My Name and bring many into the kingdom. You will bring many souls out of hell and into My great light,” says the Lord. “So be diligent. Be brave. Be courageous. For this is your hour! This is your season! This is your time for harvest!” says the Lord.

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