58247 Crossview Lane | Osceola, IN 46561 [email protected] 574.830.5009

KNowing God

Knowing God, Knowing Love Workshop

In all relationships there are levels of intimacy. I asked the Lord how He would define intimacy and this is the word I heard, “knowing.” God has a strong, passionate desire to be known by us at the deepest level. This love that originates from the heart of Papa, satisfies our hearts with emotions of “knowing” the benefits of His love, and in “the knowing” we are motivated to love Him in return. Too often we are frustrated at understanding the “how to.” We can do all the right things but have trouble connecting at the heart level. In this workshop we will discover how to make that heart connection with our God that we were created for! We will also discover how to keep the fire of passion burning ever stronger as we walk out life. We will explore what it means to “know” God. You will receive a manual and there will be activations and time for discussion.

Londa Harwell will be teaching this workshop on September 19 at 6:30pm and 20 at 9am-3pm.

The cost is $15.

Register today at knowinggodknowinglove.eventbrite.com

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